Building electricity
The human body is known to conduct electricity well. Physiological effects may include: muscle contractions, increase in blood pressure, cell formation disorders, arrhythmias, atrial fibrillation. Most of them, although mostly non-fatal, can cause breathing problems and cardiac arrest. Therefore, we recommend that you always carry out electrical work only with a specialist.
For a new or refurbished electrical network inside a building, we primarily think about where and how many fittings to place. Switches, sockets, single or double switches, single or double connector motors. However, it is not a good idea to think about the placement of TV sets and computers, and even before plastering, to pull in the wires and design the assembly places for them.
Thinking about how much we want our equipment to be individually controllable, we can achieve this by designing as many circuits as possible.
Always connect the electric stove and boiler to a specialist. In most cases, the warranty of the equipment is only valid in this way, and in both cases we are talking about equipment with high consumption and significant power consumption, the operational safety of which requires increased attention.